Subira is the charismatic and engaging speaker you need to inspire your audience.”

Channel 4

“I Aspire to Inspire, with the Aim to Empower”

  • Subira Jones

Keynote Speaker

Professional Story Teller

I am on a mission to prevent an epidemic of burnt out professionals.

Through stoytelling, I educate and empower your audience to create their own burnout free lifestyle and equip them with my top tips to get them started on their journey. 

Speaking Topics

Managing Anxiety

Financial Flexibility

Navigating Uncertainty

Preventing Burnout

Work Life Balance


Burnout Recovery

Professional Branding



  • Making Invisible Talent Visible - Silencing the Imposter Syndrome

    A series of talks designed to equip the professionals in your staff networks with the tools to create a life and career free of burnout.

    Stop Coping, Start Managing - Why Resilience is Killing You.

    Professionals with protected characteristics are at greater risk of burnout than their counterparts. 

    In this talk we share inclusive and pragmatic tips with your networks so they can effectively manage stress and say bye to burnout.

    Black not black - Race, Wellbeing & Burnout

    Microaggressions are a form of common place racism that contributes to a hostile workplace culture, promoting burnout.

    This talk explores how microaggressions and racism contribute to burnout whilst equipping allies with practical tips to be a good upstander and support the creation of an inclusive, burnout free culture.

  • Stop Coping, Start Managing - Why Resilience is Killing You.

    Professionals with protected characteristics are at greater risk of burnout than their counterparts.

    In this talk we share inclusive and pragmatic tips with your networks so they can effectively manage stress and say bye to burnout.

    Be MPWRD - Intro to The Burnout Free Lifestyle

    Burnout prevention is Is it possible to:

    • Perform at full potential,

    • Achieve sustainable success, and have a Healthy thriving personal life, without the threat of burnout? YES!!

    Black not black - Race, Wellbeing & Burnout

    Microaggressions are a form of common place racism that contributes to a hostile workplace culture, promoting burnout.

    This talk explores how microaggressions and racism contribute to burnout whilst equipping allies with practical tips to be a good upstander and support the creation of an inclusive, burnout free culture.

  • Looking for an engaging and charismatic speaker to inspire your audience?

    The Corporate Hippie, is the speaker you need for your conferences and team away days!

    On a mission to support thousands of talented professionals to live a life free of burnout, The Corporate Hippie will inspire, equip and empower your audience to:

    • Confidently navigate uncertainty

    • Take back their personal power

    • Put an end to the burnout cycle.

Awareness Days

  • Blue Monday - January

    International Women’s Day - March

  • Stress Awareness Month - April

    Mental Health Awareness Week - Mid May

    World Wellbeing Week - June

  • World Mental Health Day - October

    Black History Month - October

    National Work Life Week - October

    National Stress Awareness Day - November


How to Successfully Navigate Uncertainty

Managing Anxiety

When Life Gives You Lemons:

How to Successfully Navigate Uncertainty

Whilst completing the final year of her Economics degree, The Corporate Hippie was thrown into a world of uncertainty. Little did she know it was the start of a series of unfortunate events that would result in a 5 year long burnout cycle.

In this talk The Corporate Hippie shares her unique approach to burnout prevention and how you and your colleagues can navigate uncertainty to achieve sustainable success and thrive in a “fast paced” society, whilst maintaining a healthy and fulfilling personal life.

  • Coping vs Managing Stress

    Why Resilience is not the answer

    How to navigate uncertainty successfully


  • In person or Virtual

  • 1 hour

    45 minutes talk 15 minutes Q&A

Ending The Burnout Cycle


Put Out The Fires:

Ending The Burnout Cycle

After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, The Corporate Hippie was confronted with the truth that the work life balance she had created was ineffective and the resilience that enabled her to succeed through trauma had done her more harm than good, 

Resigning from the investment industry, she created ‘The Burnout Free Lifestyle” and successfully  took  back control of her health, life and career.

In this talk, The Corporate Hippie will share with your audience how they can create their own burnout free lifestyle and achieve sustainable success.

  • Understanding Burnout

    The myth of Work Life Balance

    Creating a Burnout Free Life


  • In Person or Virtual

  • 1 hour

    45 minutes talk 15 minutes Q&A

Are your people at risk of burning out?

-Have you noticed a decrease in work performance?

  • Are they feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by life?

  • Are they finding it incredibly difficult to manage their work lives with their personal lives?

  • Has their health and energy levels been negatively impacted by stress and uncertainty?

Through storytelling…

… I inspire and empower your audience to create their own stress mitigating lifestyle and equip them with my top tips to get them started on their journey. 

As a Burnout Prevention Consultant and certified Lifestyle Coach, I have been invited to deliver talks and sit as an expert on a variety of panels to deliver engaging, professional and authentic insight.

Providing a fresh and unique perspective on topics that range from Employee Wellbeing to Inclusion & Diversity, I highlight how and why they are necessary to prevent burnout.

With a willingness to be vulnerable about my experiences, my talks deliver a powerful and impactful message inspiring your audience to “Say Bye to Burnout.”


  • Early careers

    Line Management

    Women in Leadership

    Inclusion and Culture (Race, Gender, Ability Networks)

    And more…

  • Performing through Uncertainty

    Preparing for Post Grad Life

    The Quarter Life Crisis

    And more…