“If there were a pageant for Burnout, I would have been crowned Queen.”

From 2015, where I completed my economics degree with my mum in a coma, until my final burnout in 2019 when I was diagnosed with a chronic condition and resigned from the investment industry.

I was a high functioning stress addict who had become so accustomed to being in survival mode, that I failed to realise I was in danger. Periodically burning out after a series of traumatic events and then recovering just enough to repeat the process, I was living in a cycle of burnout.

Within a year of beginning my investment career, I was diagnosed with highly active Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis, having been experiencing frequent debilitating symptoms.

The same resilience that enabled me to succeed through adversity, tolerate difficult and unpleasant situations was now slowly killing me.

“I was a high functioning stress addict”

Resilience was killing me…

I created “The Burnout Free Lifestyle” after resigning from the Investment industry to take back control of my health, life and career.

With the debilitating symptoms at an end, I was ready to return to the investment industry, but found myself unable to due to the lack of inclusivity for disabled professionals.

Frustrated and determined, I initiated conversations with key change makers across the investment and savings industry to discuss this area of opportunity to expand Inclusion & Diversity for professionals wanting to enter or return to the industry and the inclusive wellbeing initiatives needed to retain talent.

The Burnout Free Lifestyle

Desperate to regain my health, I resigned and retrained as a certified holistic health practitioner, life coach. It was during my career break that I created The Burnout Free Lifestyle.

The Burnout Free Lifestyle enabled me to end the burnout cycle and put the debilitating symptoms into remission for over two years and counting, without medical intervention.

The Fireproof Career

With a vision to help talented professionals avoid burnout and debilitating work stress illnesses, I founded MPWRD Consulting an inclusive wellbeing consultancy with a focus on burnout prevention.

Burnout does not discriminate.

I work with firms and institutions across industries delivering virtual talks, 121 and group coaching empowering professionals to take back their personal power so they can create solutions to their life stresses; improve their quality of life; increase their capacity to perform at their full potential, all whilst preventing burnout.